WEEK 5 (31/10/2022 - 4/11/2022)

 During week 5, we have our 2nd workshop which is "Thesis Writing and Proposal Writing". During this session, we've learned:

1) Thesis and proposal format

2) Thesis writing and proposal writing for chapter 1 -3

After joining the workshop,

I can see how to do the objectives and problem statement of a project. Basically, the ideas of objectives will come after we've determined the problem statement of the current issues regarding the project that we will do.

Next, chapter 2 is for the literature review (LR). In this chapter, we will need to find the LR that can be used to help our project in any aspect for example their methodology, components, or even results. It is good to use LR that we can compare their results. It is so that we can use the author's results to improve our own project results and make it better. We were advised to use at least 10 LR to do our FYP project.

Aside, chapter 3 is for the methodology. This chapter is where all the components, method, block diagram and the flowchart of the project will be placed. Not to forget that we need to include a "chapter summary" at the last of every chapter that we've done.


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