FYP 2, WEEK 6 (10/4/2023 - 14/4/2023)


I participated in Workshop 3 during week 6, titled "Preparation Slide Presentation and Tips & Tricks of Presentation." This workshop primarily focused on enhancing the presentation skills of students who are undertaking their final year project (FYP 1) and preparing for their proposal defense. However, attending the workshop also provided an opportunity for me to refresh my existing presentation skills and improve my overall techniques in delivering effective presentations. The email's attendance is shown below:

Figure 1

After feeling confident about the programming of all the main components, I proceeded to incorporate the programming for the Blynk application. Since the primary function of the Blynk integration was to send notifications, I decided to address this IoT programming aspect towards the final stages of my project. I began by incorporating the Blynk code into the finalized programming structure.

Through this process, I discovered the significant advantages of utilizing the ESP32 for IoT data transfer tasks. The ESP32's built-in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi features eliminated the need for an external Wi-Fi module, simplifying the overall implementation. This realization further emphasized the ESP32's capability in streamlining IoT-related functionalities.

The code added for the Blynk integration is as follows:

#include <BlynkSimpleEsp32.h>

#define BLYNK_AUTH "your_blynk_auth_token" #define FIREBASE_HOST "atm-machine-9a17b-default-rtdb.firebaseio.com" #define FIREBASE_AUTH "1TtNFcQ5D9Mpzh8M58CcVANSaor7e8pyBZV6M2Se" #define WIFI_SSID "iphone KHAIRUL" #define WIFI_PASSWORD "635599naz" #define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID "TMPL61Hk0WINe" #define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME "EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION" #define BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN "Aaz7Fm19aviUM2c-qgdP48uw7oA-mYET"

void handleAlarmState() {


  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

  lcd.print("ALARM! Notify Admin");

  Blynk.logEvent("Emergency Alert!!, Emergency at UNIKL BMI") ;



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